Have you Had This Dream?
Master Thread
Compiled pinned posts
Last Updated: 27.05.2024
Moderated by ~RoseAgate87~
Login Instructions
To create an account enter new username into 'LoginID' and temp password 'pass123'. You will then be directed to account setup page.


RoseAgate87(Mod) 2024.05.10(Last Edited)
Following issues with users uploading spam and personal ads, user posting has been temporarily disabled.
TempServer thread has been created to allow discussions in the mean time. This thread does not recquire login to post.
Please be patient while mods remove spam from threads. We are working on ways to prevent this issue moving forward.

Update: We have a new login system to prevent bots. Existing users will be able to login as normal. Follow instructions in banner to create new account.
Registered 2018.11.04